Our occupational therapists are independent practitioners who provides services in association to the Adelaide Chronic Pain Clinic

Tina Doherty
Finding a path back to independence in daily life is the focus of Occupational Therapist Tina Doherty. Tina specialises in assisting clients within the Return to Work and Driving sectors.
Return to Work Services include:
– Work Site Assessment and Graduated Return to Work Schedule
– Case Conferencing with medical providers to secure agreement to a RTW goal
– Level 1 and Level 2 Return to Work services (pre-injury employer)
– Ergonomic assessment and resolution of barriers resulting from technique, design of duties and the workplace
– Vehicle and seating assessments, and assistance to improve driving capacity
– Assistance in resolving complex RTW barriers
Driver Assessment Services include:
– Vehicle seating and ergonomic assessment for licenced drivers who have difficulty driving due to pain or deconditioning. Solutions focus on improving driving comfort and tolerance.
– Driver assessment for licencing. A comprehensive off-road and on-road assessment will provide the treating doctor or specialist with recommendations to guide their decision about their patient’s capacity to drive.
Independence (SA) Pty Ltd
Address: PO Box 93, Burnside SA 5066
Phone: 0499 120 228
Email: tina@tinaot.com.au
Website: www.tinaot.com.au